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Optimal Level of Expenditure to Control the Southern Pine Beetle

Informally Refereed


Optimal level of expenditure to control damage to commercial timber stands by the southern pine beetle was determined by models that simulated and analyzed beetle attacks during a typical season for 11 Southern States. At a real discount rate of 4 percent, maximized net benefits for the Southern region are estimated at about $50 million; at 10 percent, more than $30 million. Methods and costs for detection, evaluation, and suppression of beetle infestation are discussed. Tables of optimal level for the 11 States are included.


Dendroctonus frontalis, ClemBeetle, overflight, BEAM, cut and leave, cut and salvage, presuppression flights, Beatle Economic Assessment Model


de Steiguer, Joseph E.; Hedden, Roy L.; Pye, John M. 1987. Optimal Level of Expenditure to Control the Southern Pine Beetle. Research Paper SE-263. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. 32 p.