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The national public's values and interests related to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: A computer content analysis

Informally Refereed


This study examined the national public's values and interests related to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Computer content analysis was used to analyze more than 23,000 media stories about the refuge from 1995 through 2007. Ten main categories of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge values and interests emerged from the analysis, reflecting a diversity of values, tangible and intangible, for the national public. The findings suggest that the national public's interest in the Arctic Refuge focuses on protecting the area's wildlife and perpetuating their encompassing natural, ecological processes.


Bengston, David N.; Fan, David P.; Kaye, Roger. 2010. The national public's values and interests related to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: A computer content analysis. International Journal of Wilderness. 16(3): 13-20.