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Summary and Synthesis

Informally Refereed


This chapter discusses some of the interrelationships, interactions, and drivers of change that affect northern forests. The content addresses some of the threats and opportunities identified by Dietzman et al. (2011), and it also addresses findings that emerged from the analysis of conditions and trends. The many issues affecting northern forests are interrelated and so are approaches to achieving desired outcomes.

Parent Publication


best practice codes, biodiversity, criteria and indicators, forest health, forest industry, invasive species, nontimber products, sustainable, timber products, watershed, urban forest


Shifley, Stephen R.; Aguilar, Francisco X.; Song, Nianfu; Stewart, Susan I.; Nowak, David J.; Gormanson, Dale D.; Moser, W. Keith; Wormstead, Sherri; Greenfield, Eric J. 2012. Summary and Synthesis. In: Shifley, Stephen R.; et al. 2012. Forests of the Northern United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-90. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 135-156.