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The forest resources of Illinois: an atlas and analysis of spatial and temporal trends

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The Illinois Council on Forestry Development, formerly the Illinois Commission on Forestry Development, was created by the Forestry Development Act of 1983. Although the Act included a number of specific charges, its general objective was to provide for an evaluation of the forest resources and forest industry of Illinois. Of particular importance to the Forest Resource Analysis Committee of the Council was its mandate to "determine the magnitude, nature, and extent of the State's forestry resources." This book summarizes the Committee's evaluation of the forest resources of Illinois. As a basic working principle, the Committee acknowledged the need to assess the State's forest resources for purposes of management, development, and preservation. Given these diverse purposes, the Committee recognized the importance of collecting and summarizing existing data. Consequently, data were gathered from many sources, and a number of mathematical techniques were used in summarization. Throughout the project, attention was paid to the veracity of data and to reasonable boundaries for extrapolation. In addition, citations were included for all sources of data.


Iverson, Louis R.; Oliver, Richard L.; Tucker, Dennis P.; Risser, Paul G.; Burnett, Christopher D.; Rayburn, Ronald G. 1989. The forest resources of Illinois: an atlas and analysis of spatial and temporal trends. Special Publ. 11. Urbana-Champaign, IL: Illinois Natural History Survey. 181 p.