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Family forest ownerships of the United States, 2018: results from the USDA Forest Service, National Woodland Owner Survey

Formally Refereed


The National Woodland Owner Survey (NWOS) is conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis program, to collect information on the attitudes, behaviors, and other characteristics of America’s private forest ownerships. This report provides documentation and results from the 2017-2018 iteration of the NWOS, which is referenced by the terminal year, 2018. The particular focus of the results in this report is family forest ownerships with 10+ acres of forest land; other groups of forest ownerships will be the focus of separate reports. A brief history and background of the NWOS are provided along with a synopsis of the survey implementation and estimation procedures. Selected results are presented and full sets of summary tables, by geography and four domains of interest, are provided in the accompanying supplemental materials. The geographies include states, regions, and the nation with summary tables provided where minimum sample sizes were obtained. The domains of interest used in the supplemental summary tables are family forest ownerships with holding sizes of 1+, 10+, 100+, and 1,000+ acres of forest land. The report concludes with a discussion of data interpretation, data limitations, and how to compare results with previous iterations of the NWOS.
Appendix 1: Summary Tables
Appendix 2: Survey Instrument
Appendix 3: Mailing Materials
Appendix 4: Nonresponse Assessment Results


Family forest owners, private forest owners, attitudes, behaviors, demographics, forest inventory and analysis


Butler, Brett J.; Butler, Sarah M.; Caputo, Jesse; Dias, Jacqueline; Robillard, Amanda; Sass, Emma M. 2021. Family forest ownerships of the United States, 2018: results from the USDA Forest Service, National Woodland Owner Survey. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-199.Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 52 p. [plus 4 appendixes]